Friday, June 22, 2007

Water Walk #5, Lourdes

It was a time of desperation. Jerusalem had been taken over, the Temple destroyed and the population exiled. But the prophets are there to announce that God has not said His last word. The people will return to His land. A new temple will be built.

What is the use of a Temple? To gather the faithful on days of celebrations. In the new Temple, however, the prophet Ezekiel (47:1-12) promises that a spring will gush forth and that water will flow through the dessert to the Dead Sea. As it flows away from its source the river will continue to swell. Thanks to it the dessert will flourish and the sea, which deserved to be called “Dead” will wriggle with countless fish. When they returned from exile, a temple had been rebuilt in Jerusalem for the gathering of the faithful. However there was neither spring nor river. The true new Temple is Christ. Destroy the Temple, and in three days I will raise it up. But he was speaking of the temple of His Body (John 2:19)

When he is raised on the cross, “is exalted” as Saint John says, Jesus allows blood and water to flow from his side which was pierced by a spear. It is His love which is different. His Spirit which is poured out onto the earth, the sacraments which give life, the proclamation of the Gospel which announces the Heavenly Jerusalem with: “the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb,” (Revelation 22:1)

The spring which Mary showed to Bernadette is the symbol of the spring of living water which Christ brings forth. Here, in Lourdes, the water from the spring flows generously for all those who come to drink it or bathe in it. But it is also taken to the whole world as a sign of health and salvation. It is Mary who showed the spring to Bernadette. Mary is the first Evangelist. She went to meet Elizabeth. It is the Visitation. Everywhere in the world Mary is loved and venerated. She opens the way to the Gospel.

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