It was in the beginning of the church, Stephen had just been stoned to death and Paul was not yet converted. A eunuch, a pagan who sympathized with the Jewish people, was on his way down from
-Do you understand what you are reading?
-How can I understand unless someone guides me?
The Philip began to speak, and starting with this scripture, he proclaimed to him the good news about Jesus. As they were going along the road, they came to some water: and the eunuch said: ‘Look, here is some water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?’ He commanded the chariot to stop, and both of them, Philip and the eunuch, went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. The eunuch went on his way rejoicing. (Acts 8:26-39). Philip was a catechist to that man and his teaching led him to be baptized. Mary was Bernadette’s catechist, and she started by teaching her how to make the Sign of the Cross. She will instruct her up to her receiving Communion on 3rd June 1858, a few weeks before the last apparition.
At the hour of the Passion, Jesus gives a guide and a teacher to his disciples: the guide is the Holy Spirit, the mother is Mary, His Mother. Both speak as one voice because Mary, who is full of grace, is totally attuned to the Holy Spirit.
Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, “Mother of Good Counsel,” Be our catechist, nobody knows Jesus Christ better than you do since you are His Mother and Our Mother. May the freshness of Baptism and the warmth of Confirmation be revived in us! Like Bernadette, make us love the Eucharist, the perfect gift of the One who became flesh in you.
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